The Orville (2017) is set in the distant future where humanity has achieved a utopian society. The show follows the crew of the starship Orville as they navigate through space, encounter alien species, and tackle various humorous and satirical situations. The main protagonist, Captain Ed Mercer, leads his crew in exploring new planets, engaging in space battles, and dealing with social and cultural clashes. The show combines elements of adventure, comedy, drama, and fantasy to create an entertaining and thought-provoking viewing experience.
3rd Rock from the Sun follows the lives of a group of aliens from the planet Oatu, who are on a mission to study and observe human behavior. They disguise themselves as a human family and live in the town of Rutherford, Ohio. The show humorously explores the challenges they face in adapting to human life and their unique perspective on the world.
A young boy named Elliot befriends an alien creature and helps it escape from Earth back to its home planet. Along the way, they form a deep bond and face challenges together.
Out of This World follows the story of Evie Ethel Garland, a teenage girl who discovers that her father is from another planet. She possesses supernatural powers, including the ability to freeze time, which she uses to navigate the challenges of teenage life in California.
Alien Nation is set in a future Earth where a spaceship full of extraterrestrial slaves crashes in Los Angeles. After the slaves are liberated and integrated into society, a human detective and an alien officer become partners, working together to solve crimes and navigate the complexities of a world with two species living side by side.
In the year 1999, Earth is on the brink of destruction due to a devastating war. As a last-ditch effort, a group of astronauts embarks on a mission to colonize Mars. However, they soon discover strange occurrences and ancient ruins on the red planet, leading to a series of revelations and encounters with friendly and hostile aliens. The timelines of past and future intertwine as the settlers struggle to survive and unravel the mysteries of Mars.
A group of friends discover a mysterious alien who needs their help to find its way home. Using their smartphones and a map provided by the alien, they embark on an adventure filled with adventure, friendship, and government secrets. As they navigate through a series of obstacles, they form a bond with the alien and learn the importance of loyalty and teamwork.
A human single father is abducted by a spaceship and fall in love with an alien single mother. They return to Earth to marry and raise their blended family.
In Meatballs: Part II, a summer camp is unknowingly taken over by aliens who possess supernatural powers. The camp counselors, including a closeted homosexual, a nerdy teenage boy, and a teenage girl with levitation abilities, must band together to save the camp and themselves. Along the way, they encounter hare Krishna followers, engage in a boxing match, and find romance amidst the chaos.
In a small town, a giant floating head appears out of nowhere, leading to the creation of a cult. The head reveals that it is an alien seeking to establish dominance over the world by creating an army of human-alien hybrids. As the head gains followers and forms alliances with various individuals, a group of FBI agents and other unlikely heroes must come together to stop the impending alien invasion. The show explores themes of love, friendship, disfigurement, and the complex nature of humanity.
In the movie Flight To Mars, a reporter named Steve compels a scientist to reveal details of an upcoming expedition to Mars. Once on Mars, the crew crash-lands and discovers an underground civilization of Martians. As the crew explores the underground city, they face intrigue, betrayal, and the impending doom of the Martian civilization. Will they be able to find a way to escape and return to Earth?
After fleeing Earth in the late 80s, an alien returns to his childhood home in search of his best friend. As he gets closer to finding her, his mysterious past gets closer to catching him.
In Mission Stardust, a group of astronauts embark on a perilous journey to the moon, encountering friendly and enemy aliens along the way. As they face challenges and uncover secrets on the lunar surface, they must survive the threat of killer robots and navigate complex human-alien relationships. This space adventure combines elements of action, adventure, and science fiction.
In The 27th Day (1957), five individuals from different corners of the globe are given capsules by extraterrestrials. Each one holds the power to destroy millions of people. They are faced with a moral dilemma as they must decide whether to use the capsules or surrender them to save humanity. This psychotronic film takes place during the tense backdrop of the cold war, where the fate of the world lies in the hands of these five individuals. As they form alliances and face unexpected challenges, the movie explores themes of decision-making, sacrifice, and the potential consequences of wielding such power.
Alberto and Jorge are two friends who work as waiters and during a trip they meet an alien with extraordinary powers. It is sought by a Russian organization, and friends must hide it from it.
In the year 2035, a team of astronauts on a space expedition discovers a mysterious crystal on their spacecraft. As they investigate further, they encounter a deadly alien creature that begins hunting them down one by one. Trapped in space, the crew must find a way to survive and escape before they become the creature's next victims.
An alien princess aids people stranded on out-of-orbit Moonbase Alpha.
During a vacation in the wilderness, a group of people, including a young boy and his mother, encounter friendly aliens. They must band together to help the aliens against the threat of enemy aliens and protect the alien baby.
In Starcrossed, a man finds himself falling in love with an alien woman who is disguised as a human. As their relationship develops, they face challenges from both humans and aliens who seek to harm them. With the Cold War as a backdrop, their love story becomes a symbol of hope and unity between different species. They must navigate culture shock, danger, and prejudice in order to be together.
A group of schoolchildren come upon an alien from Venus, and help him against a gang of criminals who are trying to kidnap him.