In this horror-western sequel, a man is brought back to life to settle unfinished business and seek revenge in the town of Tombstone, Arizona. As he navigates a dangerous world of brothels, stagecoach robberies, and a female villain, he must also confront his own mother-son relationship and face off against a powerful relic that has the power to raise the dead.
Before It Had a Name tells the story of a woman who inherits a house and a farm, leading her to discover herself and find a connection to the rural way of life. As she embraces her new surroundings, she learns about love, loss, and the value of living in harmony with nature.
Inspired by true stories, a lighthouse keeper’s wife struggles with her work and her sanity as she cares for her sick husband in 19th century Maine. When a mysterious stranger washes up on shore, secrets buried in deep waters come to light, and she confronts both her past and her future.
The Stooges, not faring well with their diner, enter Curly in a milking contest at the County Fair. But when they take him to a pasture to practice, Curly doesnt know a cow from a bull!
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