The story follows the growth of Yamazaki Otome, a young girl lacking experience in love, who utilizes her hobby of making sweets to work at Patisserie MON, a french pastry shop.
Haute Cuisine is a movie based on the true story of Danièle Mazet-Delpeuch, a French chef who becomes the personal chef to the President of France. The movie explores her journey as she navigates the power struggles, formalities, and protocols of the French kitchen, while trying to maintain the traditions of haute cuisine. Through beautiful dishes, oysters, truffles, and the clash of tradition and modernity, Haute Cuisine takes viewers on a culinary adventure.
Documenting the collaboration between world renowned chef Yotam Ottolenghi and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the film follows five visionary pastry makers as they endeavor to construct an extravagant food gala based on the art exhibit "Visitors to Versailles." Exploring the relationship between modern-day social media and the open court of the French Monarchy, the film studies the alarmingly cyclical intersection between food, culture, and history.
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