RADIANT follows the story of Seth, a young boy who lives in a world where a mysterious race of monsters called Nemesis fall from the sky and infect people, turning them into monsters as well. Seth has the unique ability to control magic, and he dreams of becoming a great sorcerer in order to fight against the Nemesis and protect his world. Along the way, he joins forces with other magic users and battles against powerful foes, uncovering the truth behind the Nemesis and his own origins.
La Création du Monde is among the first animated feature films made in France. But to be exact, the film was animated in Czechoslovakia and directed by Eduard Hofman. It is adapted from a series of five books by Jean Effel, a French caricaturist and illustrator. The visual style is adapted from his drawings. The film is a comedy about the creation of the universe in six days, with the devil messing around and contributing in his own way.
Serial Teachers (2013) follows a group of history and maths teachers who are completely inept at their jobs. When a new teacher is hired, chaos ensues as they try to sabotage his efforts and keep their incompetence hidden. The teachers get involved in various hilarious schemes, leading to a series of slapstick comedy situations. As the story progresses, the new teacher brings a fresh perspective to the school and helps the students in unexpected ways.
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