La Seine no Hoshi is an anime series by Sunrise, which premiered in Japan on Fuji TV from April 4, 1975 and finished its run on December 26, 1975, spanning a total of 39 episodes. The title translates to English as "Star of the Seine" or "The Seine's Stars." It is based on Alain Delon's 1963 movie La Tulipe noire. It was created by Mitsuru Kaneko, and was directed by Masaaki Ōsumi and Yoshiyuki Tomino. It was written by Sōji Yoshikawa, while the character designer was Akio Sugino. The music for the series was composed by Shunsuke Kikuchi.
Saladin the Victorious is a docudrama-drama film that portrays the life of Saladin, the renowned Muslim leader, during the Third Crusade. The plot follows Saladin's endeavors to unite the Muslim world and defend Jerusalem against the invading Crusader forces led by King Richard.
In 1715, the end of King Louis XIV's reign is plagued by a terminal illness, leg infection, and a desperate search for a cure. The French king experiences immense pain, impaired mobility, and relies on a phony doctor and early medicine in the hopes of prolonging his life. As his agony continues, the stinking man faces the harsh reality of his impending demise amidst the grandeur of the Palace of Versailles.
In 1789, French poet André Chénier struck up a romance with a young aristocrat.
American Neil Bowman is traveling through France when he meets British photographer Lila. They are hired by French land owner Duc de Croyter to escort a Hungarian scientist to New York. But they soon realize that the job is not a cushy number, and have to deal with a gang of kidnappers who will stop at nothing to get their hands on the scientist
In Paris, unhappy movie actress Catherine Crachat becomes infatuated with the mathematician Pierre Indemini, but then breaks up with him. After a film shoot in Vienna, Catherine stays with a rich admirer, Fanny Hohenstein. Fanny has a history of many lovers of both sexes, two of whom killed themselves over her.
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