Running Free is a movie that tells the story of a horse named Lucky who is born in captivity in a mining town in Africa. After being separated from his mother, Lucky forms a bond with a young stableboy who takes care of him. When the mining town is deserted, Lucky and the stableboy set out on a journey across the desert, facing various challenges and forming new friendships along the way. Together, they strive for freedom and survival.
Audrey really wants a pet, but she can't afford one. At the zoo she tries to get a baby kangaroo and seal but their mothers won' let her. Audrey then befriends a lion, who scares away the townspeople.
Four bad men have kidnapped Fatty's girlfriend and plan to kill her. Fatty's dog knows where she is, but Fatty doesn't and he was crying. However the dog came back to get Fatty, and they and the Keystone Cops went to rescue her.
Behind the Mask is a documentary that delves into the world of animal rights activism, focusing on the actions and motivations of its passionate activists. The film explores the ideologies behind the animal liberation movement, illegal activities carried out by groups like the Earth Liberation Front and the Animal Liberation Front, and the ongoing struggle for justice and compassion towards animals.
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