The Yes Men is a satirical documentary that follows a group of activists who impersonate corporate and government officials to expose the absurdities of global institutions and the harm they cause. Through pranks, hoaxes, and stunts, they challenge the status quo and spark conversations about accountability and social justice. With wit and humor, The Yes Men shed light on the power dynamics and systemic issues that underpin our society.
The End of Poverty? asks if the true causes of poverty today stem from a deliberate orchestration since colonial times which has evolved into our modern system whereby wealthy nations exploit the poor. People living and fighting against poverty answer condemning colonialism and its consequences; land grab, exploitation of natural resources, debt, free markets, demand for corporate profits and the evolution of an economic system in in which 25% of the world's population consumes 85% of its wealth. Featuring Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen and Joseph Stiglitz, authors/activist Susan George, Eric Toussaint, Bolivian Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera and more.
"Zapatista" is the definitive look at the uprising in Chiapas. It is the story of a Mayan peasant rebellion armed with sticks and their word against a first world military. It is the story of a global movement that has fought 175,000 federal troops to a stand still and transformed Mexican and international political culture forever.
The Chinese Exclusion Act (2017) is a documentary that delves into the history and consequences of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, a federal law that prohibited Chinese labor immigration to the United States. Through archival footage, voiceover narration, and expert interviews, the film examines the causes and effects of the Act, shedding light on the discrimination and hardships faced by Chinese Americans during this time. It explores topics such as the mining industry, smoking opium, Chinese law, government collapse, the Mexican-American War, and the conquest of California. The documentary also touches on the occupation of Chinese territory by foreign powers, fundraising efforts, still photography, and the significance of the Statue of Liberty. The film provides a comprehensive overview of the Act, its historical context, and its relevance to American history and immigration policy.
Four key incidents in the public life of Andrew Jackson (1767-1845), seventh President of the United States.
The Real Adam Smith: Ideas That Changed The World is a documentary that delves into the life and philosophy of Adam Smith, a Scottish economist and philosopher who shaped modern economic theory. The film explores Smith's ideas on free trade, self-interest, and the market economy, and highlights their impact on the global economy and society. It also examines how Smith's ideas continue to influence our understanding of wealth, business, and morality.
Rage Against The Machine: The Battle Of Mexico City is a documentary movie that showcases the iconic live performance of the band in Mexico City. It captures the energy and intensity of their music as they deliver a powerful message against social and political injustice. The film also highlights the atmosphere of the concert and the band's connection with the audience. With electrifying performances and thought-provoking lyrics, this documentary is a must-watch for fans of Rage Against The Machine.
A short economic history of the world from Neolithic man through the present day which espouses free trade and global economics.
India Awakes is a documentary that explores the rapid economic growth and development in India, along with the challenges it faces in terms of bureaucracy, corruption, caste system, and property rights. The film highlights the impact of globalization and how it has opened doors for entrepreneurship, free trade, and economic freedom. It also delves into the transformative power of technology through the use of GPS and Google Earth.
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