Tokyo Sonata is a drama film that showcases the struggles and tensions within a middle-class family in Tokyo, Japan. The story revolves around the father's decision to hide his job loss and spend his days pretending to still be employed. Meanwhile, the mother starts working in a shopping mall and the older son joins the American army. The younger son discovers a secret and becomes a hostage in a stranger's house. As the family members deal with their individual problems, the movie explores themes of alienation, family relationships, and the impact of the American occupation of Japan.
Street of Shame tells the story of women working in a brothel in post-war Japan, highlighting the desperate conditions they face, their struggles with poverty, and their hopes for a better life. The film explores themes of shame, despair, and survival in a society recovering from the ravages of war.
Ernest Bliss, a man down on his luck, takes on a series of challenges to improve his financial situation and prove himself. Along the way, he encounters comedic mishaps, unexpected romance, and dangerous situations.
The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution is a documentary that explores the history and impact of the Black Panther Party in the 1960s. It delves into their activism, political radicalism, and clashes with law enforcement, as well as their efforts to empower the Black community through social welfare programs. The film also sheds light on the government's surveillance and persecution of the party members.
This is an omnibus of six short films by six different directors, whose lead characters are unconventional women. They are "Hijoshi," females who live true to themselves and their desires.
The Blue Knight (1973) follows a retired cop who partners with a college teacher to find a runaway child. As they delve deeper into the search, they uncover a dangerous criminal network and must solve a murder case. Set in 1970s Los Angeles, this movie explores the social problems and complexities of the city.
Casus Belli is a comedy movie that revolves around a series of amusing events resulting from a small error. It explores the domino effect caused by a mistaken action and the chain reaction it sets off. From nightclubs and free meals to automated teller machines and gambling houses, the characters find themselves caught in a whirlwind of unexpected situations. With a touch of fantasy and a sprinkle of drama, Casus Belli takes the audience on a journey of laughter and chaos within a limited timeframe.
A Russian prince goes to Monte Carlo just after World War I with money supplied to him by Parisian Russians. He wins but the casino operators want him to honor the tradition of returning to the tables.
A documentary that explores the world of children who reside in discounted motels within walking distance of Disneyland, living in limbo as their families struggle to survive in one of the wealthiest regions of America. The parents of motel kids are often hard workers who don't earn enough to own or rent homes. As a result, they continue to live week-to-week in motels, hoping against hope for an opportunity that might allow them to move up in the O.C.
A devil appears on the shoulder of a man who has been down on his luck since his Friday-the-13th birthday. The green-suited tempter convinces him to gamble away his last dime.
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