Dante's Inferno is a silent film adaptation of Dante Alighieri's epic poem, depicting a man's journey through the various circles of Hell. As he traverses through the realms of the afterlife, he encounters mythological creatures, the damned, and experiences the punishments for different sins. The film explores themes of sin, punishment, and redemption.
During the Seven Years War, Austrian Queen Maria Theresa sends her best general, András Hadik and his Hussars to raid Berlin and humiliate the Prussian King, Frederick the Great. In a time of darkness and chaos, with the brutal and militant Prussia raining war upon the peaceful and tranquil Austria, Queen Maria Theresa entrusts her Hungarian general, András Hadik and his fearless Hussars with a mission of great importance: to capture the city of Berlin, the heart of the Prussian empire, and to strike a blow against her enemy, the mighty Frederick the Great.
In 18th century Europe, King Friedrich II of Prussia leads his army through the seven-years-war with neighboring states, and after numerous near defeats, eventually brings a victorious army back to Berlin.
„Friedrich - Ein deutscher König” beschreibt in markanten Schlüsselszenen die wesentlichen Lebensstationen des Preußenherrschers. Katharina Thalbach verkörpert den „Alten Fritz”, ihre Tochter Anna den Kronprinzen und jungen König. Der Film rekonstruiert Aufstieg und Leben des Preußenkönigs und schildert dessen zentrale Stationen - von der durch den Despotismus des Vaters gezeichneten Jugend bis zum Aufstieg zum bewunderten Feldherrn und als „Friedrich der Große” verehrten König.
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