Country Remedy is a heartwarming comedy-drama set in a small town. The story revolves around the lives of its quirky residents and explores themes of family, friendship, and community. The plot follows the journey of a 10-year-old boy and his relationship with his father, a handyman in the town. As they navigate through various adventures and challenges, the bond between father and son strengthens. Along the way, they encounter a pregnant woman, a secret club, a town meeting, and even the birth of a baby girl. With its blend of humor, heart, and touching moments, Country Remedy is a delightful watch for the whole family.
Three teenagers with missing parents cross their lives by the river Tormes in Salamanca. One of them lives in a boarding school, another has just lost his father, and one lives badly in a tent by the river. No adults in their lives, without direction, they are becoming adults but still do not own their life.
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