Little 'Tinker is a heartwarming animated movie about a skunk named Little 'Tinker who falls in love with a rabbit named Bouncy. Despite facing rejection and advice from their animal friends, Little 'Tinker tries to win Bouncy's heart using his irresistible charm and unconventional tactics. This hilarious and surreal journey explores themes of love, rejection, and the lengths one would go to for a chance at romance.
In 'Swooner Crooner,' Porky Pig is a farmer who suddenly becomes a famous singer after a bird swoons over his voice. Chaos ensues as the bird tries to help Porky reach stardom while laying eggs, and the two get caught up in an assembly line at a defense plant. This Merrie Melodies cartoon is a humorous spoof of famous crooners like Al Jolson, Bing Crosby, and Frank Sinatra, with plenty of slapstick comedy and surreal moments.
In Slick Hare, Bugs Bunny and other Looney Tunes characters find themselves embroiled in a comical adventure that parodies various Hollywood films. With clever disguises, chase scenes, and musical spoofs, this animated short is full of humor and entertainment.
Porky, a talent scout for "Goode and Korney Talent Agency," auditions various acts. A final gag has a wolf performing this "stupendous act" where he wears a devil hat, cape and the like, drinks nitroglycerin, gasoline and other explosive stuff, then swallows a match. KABOOM! Porky thinks that the act is really good until the wolf's ghost comes in and says that there's a catch... "I can only do it once!"(Source:
An emaciated canary, singing like Frank Sinatra, is getting on the nerves of a pipe-puffing parrot, who speaks like Bing Crosby. The parrot spots Sylvester, foraging through the trash. Telling the cat he needs more vitamins (which the canary has been swallowing in bulk), he lures the cat inside to snare the canary. The straightforward approach fails (the canary bops him in the nose). He carves a female canary from soap, lures Frankie there; the birds slide down a greased counter, into the sink, and down the drain, but only the soap bird goes through the pipe and down Sylvester's throat. A trail of birdseed into the garage seems to work, but Frankie jacks Sylvester's mouth open. Sylvester laces the vitamins with buckshot; like all cartoon magnets, his attracts everything metal in sight except his prey.
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