Lillie is a captivating TV mini-series that explores the life of Lillie Langtry, a British actress and mistress of King Edward VII. The show delves into her tumultuous love life, including her loveless marriage and forbidden affairs. Set against the backdrop of the 19th and early 20th centuries, Lillie is a captivating journey through history, scandal, and high society.
A pregnant woman moves to a new town and buys a house with a mysterious mirror. As she settles in, she starts experiencing hallucinations and encounters violent supernatural occurrences. She soon realizes that the mirror holds a dark secret and must uncover the truth before it's too late.
A traveling salesman falls in love with a countess and tries to win her over while dealing with a variety of humorous and musical situations in Vienna, Austria. He faces challenges such as class distinctions, stag hunting, and even has to seek help from a dog psychiatrist.
Insulted when his screenwriter wife writes a leading role for a younger man, aging Broadway idol Fitz Wynn disguises himself as a handsome young Italian.
The story of Sally (Georgia MacKenzie) and Michael (Kris Marshall) a couple who are attempting to cope with the trauma of miscarriage. The day Michael brings home pedigree puppy Archie it changes their lives forever. With their relationship wavering under the emotional stress, Sally decides to leave Michael. As a bolt hole she moves in next door to her new-found doggie friend, Guy (Dominic Rowan) and his formidable mother, dog show judge and Rottweiler breeder, Mrs Jessop (Diana Quick). Michael goes to pieces when Sally leaves, losing his job and self-respect. He turns to Archie for solace and man's best friend leads him to the disparate but caring members of a local dog club who just might be able to help him win back Sally.
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