March of the Dinosaurs is a thrilling animated documentary that follows two dinosaur families as they navigate through the harsh conditions of the Arctic Circle and survive the challenges of climate change. The story focuses on Scar, an Ankylosaurus, and Patch, a young dinosaur who must overcome their differences and work together to overcome the threats that they face, including predatory Tyrannosaurus Rex, starvation, and falling through ice.
"What Killed the Mega Beasts?" is a TV movie about the mystery of what caused the great extinction from the Pleistocene to Holocene eras with several paleontologists to find out what happened with their theories. It aired on the Discovery Channel in 2002. The animation for the animals was done at Meteor Studios who also helped in making the animation from a program that aired in the previous year, When Dinosaurs Roamed America. The designs and models were reused in Before We Ruled the Earth which talked about early men trying to adapt in a world with giant animals.
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