Who's the Boss? is a sitcom TV show that revolves around Tony Micelli, a former professional baseball player who becomes a housekeeper for Angela Bower, a successful advertising executive and single mother. Together, they navigate the challenges of their unconventional arrangement while forming a unique bond with each other and their respective families.
Gravity is a comedy-drama TV show set in New York City. It follows the lives of a diverse group of individuals who attend a support group led by a former professional baseball player. The show explores themes of love, loss, and personal stories, with a touch of humor and drama. The main character, an opthalmologist with hypochondriac tendencies, forms relationships with the other group members, including an African-American man who uses a wheelchair, and together, they navigate through the challenges of life and search for the truth. Along the way, they confront their own mental disorders and come to terms with their grief and past traumas.
Since the loss of his beloved Isabella three years ago, Ricky Cooper's only agenda has been to be the best dad he can be. But little does Ricky realize that his girls have an agenda of their own: get dad a girlfriend.
Talented chef, Courtney Preston’s life has been turned upside down ever since the passing of her father, who was the master chef of her family’s famous restaurant. Now her family business is failing, her love life is in shambles, her passion for cooking has died and her childhood best friend and fellow chef Jake Turner has left town to find work in the big city.
Amos Lasher loses his wife and home in an accident, finding himself in the care of the state, or specifically speaking, the Sunset Nursing Home. Here he finds the head nurse, Daisy Daws, ruling the cowed patients with an iron hand, but as his determination to get out of Sunset grows, the more sinister his situation becomes.
After losing his job as a baseball coach, a former professional baseball player named John finds himself struggling to make ends meet. In order to make some quick money, he starts working as a bookie, taking bets on little league baseball games. However, things take a turn for the worse when John's mentor, who is also a bookie, kidnaps his dog as collateral for a debt. Desperate to get his dog back, John gets involved in a series of illegal activities including burglary, bribery, and vandalism. Along the way, he forms a bond with a young boy from the little league team and tries to mentor him. The story explores the consequences of John's choices and the complexities of relationships, particularly his troubled relationship with his own son.
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