Great Guy is a crime drama film from 1936. The story follows Johnny, a former prizefighter who now works as a furniture salesman. When Johnny's fiancée's engagement ring is stolen, he becomes entangled in a web of political corruption and blackmail. Wrongly accused of bribery, Johnny must navigate the corrupt world of government officials and corrupt mayors to prove his innocence and uncover the truth. With the help of his loyal secretary, Johnny fights to clear his name and bring down those responsible.
After the death of her husband, a widowed mother in 1950s Chicago fights to make a living and raise her son in a tough neighborhood filled with crime, drugs, and poverty. She navigates relationships with various characters, including a former judge, a newspaper vendor, a lounge singer, and a taxi driver. As her son grows up, she must protect him from the dangers of the streets and confront her own personal demons.
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