Taming the Garden is a documentary film that explores the story of a former Prime Minister in Georgia who decides to transport and plant 300-year-old trees in his extravagant garden. The film showcases the challenges faced by the team of experts as they use excavators, chainsaws, and other tools to carefully uproot the massive trees and transport them across the country. It also delves into the relationship between humans and nature, highlighting the beauty and complexity of the natural world.
In this documentary, the film explores the controversial and shady actions of Tony Blair, the former British Prime Minister. Through interviews and evidence, it showcases his involvement in the Iraq War and his role in imperialism. The film sheds light on the hypocrisy and smartass behavior of Blair, who was once seen as a poodle to the United States. It delves into the politics of 10 Downing Street in London and portrays Blair as a war criminal.
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