Law School follows the lives of law students and professors at a renowned university as they navigate the complexities of the legal system. When a shocking murder occurs on campus, a dedicated group of individuals gets involved in a high-stakes murder investigation, unraveling dark secrets and complicated relationships along the way. This intense and thought-provoking series explores the pursuit of justice and the challenges faced by those within the field of law.
A model named Valentine accidentally runs over a dog and discovers that its owner, a retired judge named Joseph Kern, is keen on invading people's privacy by listening to their private telephone conversations. As Valentine becomes fascinated by Kern's actions, she starts to question the morality of his behavior and the reasons why people obey laws. Through their unlikely friendship, Valentine and Kern explore themes of love, destiny, isolation, and the intertwined lives of people. Their lives intersect with other characters from the trilogy, leading to a tragic ending.
A retired judge receives an invitation to the most wonderful evening of his life, where he becomes trapped in a game that puts his life in danger. As he tries to escape, he encounters seductive behavior, mysterious characters, and unexpected twists and turns.
When a murder occurs, a former judge and an ex-convict join forces to investigate the crime. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and uncover shocking secrets. Will they be able to solve the mystery?
Grim, recently retired 'iron judge' Ernst Blessing lives alone with his dog since his only daughter left angrily 18 years ago. Suddenly he's informed she died in a car crash, which landed her husband, Turkish Kurd Baran Amedi, in hospital. Loner Ernst is now required to mind his grandchildren, which he didn't even know having, resourceful rebel Dilo and his brat sister Hewi. Both sides' prejudices and principles are tested in practice. When Dilo finally respects Ernst and wins his heart, Baran arranges for the kids' 'repatriation' with a backward uncle.
After the death of her husband, a widowed mother in 1950s Chicago fights to make a living and raise her son in a tough neighborhood filled with crime, drugs, and poverty. She navigates relationships with various characters, including a former judge, a newspaper vendor, a lounge singer, and a taxi driver. As her son grows up, she must protect him from the dangers of the streets and confront her own personal demons.
A one-hour documentary that opens a window into the world of modern-day LGBTQ+ life in America.
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