In Awake (2021), a mysterious event wipes out all electronics and plunges humanity into a sleepless state. A former drug addict and her young daughter may hold the key to finding a solution and preventing an apocalyptic end. As chaos ensues, they encounter a conspiracy theorist, a drug dealer, and a desperate race against time to survive.
In 'Safe,' a suburban housewife in 1987 Los Angeles begins to suffer from an unexplained illness. As her condition worsens, she becomes convinced that she is being poisoned by her environment and seeks refuge in a health retreat. However, her search for safety and answers only deepens her isolation and paranoia.
After her daughter dies from a drug overdose, a determined female police officer goes undercover to bring down a prominent drug dealer. Along the way, she discovers a dark past and personal vendetta, leading to a violent showdown.
Based on the first book of the popular novel series “The Oracle Comes” by Teensy, the story focuses on Han Jie, a former drug addict recruited by San Tai Zi to serve as a god’s agent in the mortal realm to redeem for his sins. As Han Jie is counting the days to his long-awaited retirement, the evil god Liu Fan returns with his plan to overthrow the mortal realm, forcing Han Jie to fight and save everyone he loves.
In Wetlands, a former drug addict investigates a murder in Atlantic City. The plot involves a crime-filled underworld, a father-daughter relationship, and a lesbian couple.
Hustler ERIC COYLE, 19, has secured early release from prison by informing on his drug dealer, BENNIE. He immediately begins reassembling his former life, including girlfriend, HEATHER, former pimp, DOLORES and his best john, TOMMY. Desperate to create his idea of a family, if only even for a day, he manages to trick Tommy into getting him an apartment, a used car and a job and moves Heather in with him, but things quickly spin out of control when Bennie is brought in for questioning.
In 2007, a little girl is brutally murdered by her older brother, leaving their family shattered. This gripping true crime documentary explores the events leading up to the tragedy and the aftermath that follows, delving into the dysfunctional dynamics of the family and the heartbreaking loss of a child.
Two strangers brush hands on a train and move in together days later, fabricating the history of their love as they go along.
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