One Week Friends follows the story of Yuki Hase, a high school student who becomes friends with Kaori Fujimiya, a girl who suffers from a condition that causes her to lose all memory of her friends every Monday. Despite this obstacle, Yuki is determined to become Kaori's friend and helps her create new memories every week. As their friendship grows, they face various challenges that test their bond, but their commitment to each other never wavers. Through their journey, they discover the true power of friendship and the importance of cherishing every moment.
Lord Love a Duck is a satirical comedy set in Los Angeles, following the story of a high school student named Alan Musgrave who is determined to make his dreams of success and popularity come true. With the help of a beautiful and manipulative woman named Barbara Ann Greene, Alan goes to great lengths to achieve his goals, leading to a series of outrageous and comedic events.
Dorothy, single and one of the writers of the soap "The True World" hates living alone, but the guys she knows don't appeal to her. Her aunt Esther's attempts to match-make with random men just annoy her. Then she meets an old friend from college who he seems perfect...
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