A detective named Hae-Jun is investigating the death of a man who frequently climbed a mountain. In the process, he encounters the man's young wife, Seo-Rae, an immigrant from China. Suspecting her involvement in the death, Hae-Jun begins to stalk her and becomes obsessed. However, as the investigation progresses, Hae-Jun learns that Seo-Rae is not the killer. They develop a close relationship but soon, Hae-Jun discovers that Seo-Rae is actually the murderer and has been manipulating him. She confesses to the crime and tries to bury herself alive at the beach, leaving Hae-Jun devastated.
After a high school girl fakes her own suicide on social media, a forensic investigation leads the police to suspect foul play and uncover dark secrets.
One of the most important and exciting historical research of all time, the study of the DNA of the navigator Christopher Columbus, finally answers two fundamental questions: where do his bones rest? What is his true origin?
Magdi examines the body of a woman and tells her that her death is the result of a nuclear radiation. The search leads him to the company of businessman Said, where the dead man was working
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