In the year 2046, a team of Space Marines is sent to investigate mysterious happenings at a research facility on Mars. They discover that the scientists have been attacked by genetically enhanced creatures. As they fight for their survival, they uncover the truth about the creatures' origins and abilities.
The Missing Children (2021) delves into the dark and tragic past of Ireland, uncovering the shocking truth behind the disappearance of countless children. Through the investigations of local and amateur historians, the film exposes the conflict between the Catholic Church and the state, unearthing unmarked graves, burial grounds, and mass graves. The uncovering of human remains and the documentation of child neglect paint a harrowing picture of the mistreatment and neglect of children in religious institutions. Forced adoptions, secrecy, and record-keeping practices reveal a sinister side of the Catholic Church's involvement in Ireland's history.
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