In 2029, an Air Force astronaut crash-lands on a mysterious planet where evolved, talking apes dominate a race of primitive humans. Leo discovers that the world is ruled by humanoid apes who can speak human language and capture members of the primitive human beings as slaves. Leo escapes his cage and frees other humans, eventually leading a rebellion against the apes. He discovers the wreck of his former space station and learns that he was pushed forward in time while the apes took control of the vessel. With the help of a chimp astronaut and the support of Ari, a compassionate chimp, Leo fights against General Thade and escapes the planet, returning to Earth only to find a dystopian future where apes have taken over.
In the sequel to Planet of the Apes, an astronaut crash-lands on a planet ruled by intelligent apes. He discovers a hidden underground city inhabited by mutant humans who worship a nuclear bomb. As tensions rise between the apes and the mutants, a battle for the future of Earth ensues.
In the year 2024, a pandemic has ravaged the world and the city of Los Angeles is under strict lockdown. Amidst the chaos, a forbidden romance blossoms between a bicycle courier and a woman trapped in her apartment. As they navigate the challenges of their dystopic reality, they must rely on their ingenuity and resilience to survive.
Ryoji, a wanderer, arrives in a remote mountain town, carrying a shotgun and claiming to be a hunter. He quickly becomes embroiled in a web of trouble surrounding the town's mill.
A flock of storks fly in the misty sky, all carrying white bundles. One of the bundles falls and a little girl called Juniper ends up in a strange world. This is the beginning of a wonderful, magical adventure as the girl tries to find out who she really is and where she came from. She finally meets an old troll called Rolli who tells the girl his own, eventful story. The girl and the troll become friends and together they encounter a dangerous threat against the fairytale woods. This is a universal tale of bravery and friendship that takes its audience through exciting plot twists, circus spotlights and the splendor of the fantastic forest.
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