Tormented is a horror thriller film set in California on a haunted island. The story follows a jazz musician who is haunted by the vengeful ghost of his ex-lover. As supernatural occurrences increase, the musician must unravel the mystery and find a way to escape the tormented island.
After a car accident, a woman wakes up to find herself alone in a hospital. As she tries to escape, she discovers dark secrets about the hospital and its staff.
When a murder occurs in Jamaica, the police chief must investigate. As he delves into the case, he discovers that his childhood friend, who is now the prime suspect, has become involved with witchcraft. With the beautiful island as the backdrop, the police chief must navigate through a web of mystery, betrayal, and danger to uncover the truth.
When a traumatized painter meets a seductive woman, he finds himself caught between her and his blind girlfriend, leading to a series of tragic events.
After an airplane crash, a team of soldiers and a female CIA agent find themselves stranded on a remote island. The island is infested with raptors and they must fight to survive and find a way to escape.
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