Hanamizuki is a heartwarming film that tells the story of a young girl named Sae who falls in love with a boy named Kouhei during her summer vacation in a small village in Japan. As their relationship blossoms, they face various obstacles and challenges that test their love. Set against the backdrop of the beautiful countryside, Hanamizuki explores the themes of young love, dreams, and the power of fate.
A Man Thing is a heart-wrenching drama about a young boy who suffers from abuse and bullying. The movie portrays the emotional and physical scars that he carries, as well as his journey towards healing and finding solace.
High school kid, Thorvald, embarks on an effort to change the name of his school's sports and academic teams from the "Vikings", to something less offensive to Norwegians. It's a love story.
This is a true-to-life story of Turoy Delima, the fugitive leader of Cebu City's dreaded sea pirate gang that carries his name.
A seven-year-old child, his brother Billy and their depressed mother live on a farm. Then something painful happens to the family and the kids are left to live by themselves.
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