Based on the popular manga and anime series, Fullmetal Alchemist follows two brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric, who practice alchemy. After a failed human transmutation experiment, they set out on a journey to find the Philosopher's Stone, hoping to use it to restore their bodies. Along the way, they encounter dangerous enemies, uncover dark secrets, and discover the true nature of alchemy.
Sekar, tries to support his 3 children alone by opening a food stall. Lately he has been worried because his merchandise always goes stale shortly after the food is served. Sekar went to see Mak Ambar, the shaman who put up 'penglaris' in his stall. However, it turned out that Mak Ambar had died. Since then, Jin, who has been helping him, demands his life until Sekar is possessed every night. The three children tried to get treatment, but this attempt actually threatened the lives of them and their family.
A Chinese man who is living illegally in Japan bluffs his way into a job preparing traditional Japanese soba noodles.
Mr. Kimbul faces competition with Ms. Umi, two meatball stalls. They constantly competing with one another over crowds. Suddenly, a new meatball stall opens with a nice interior. Now they have to prepare to get back their customers.
The film was created by a small Chinese animation studio named Wolf Smoke as a test bed for a new style and process. Kung Fu Cooking Girls is an eight and a half minute short that combines three things that most men love: beautiful women, Chinese food, and kung fu.
A painfully shy noodle-shop owner and a prostitute have a chance encounter when destiny arrives in the form of a car accident.
A crossover team-up between Captain Barbell and Darna.
Oswald the Rabbit takes his date to a carnival and has to contend with a bullying pitbull.
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