Waiting for the Messiah is a heartwarming comedy-drama romance film that revolves around the lives of a diverse group of individuals who are all waiting for a messiah to bring hope and happiness into their lives. The movie explores the themes of love, faith, and the search for meaning in life. As the characters navigate through their everyday struggles, they find solace and connection in each other's company, forming unlikely friendships and discovering the power of human connection.
This Screen Song audience-participation short (Paramount production number X9-1)is an all-animated short with cartoon caricatures of many Hollywood personalities, and some weird, unpredictable animals prior to the bouncing ball's entrance to lead a sing-along of "Strolling Through the Park."
A combination cartoon/travelogue set in the Swiss Alps, with a tuneful sight-seeing tour of Switzerland thrown in, before the bounding-ball comes bouncing along and asks the theatre audience to follow it in singing the ever-popular "I Miss My Swiss Miss, My Swiss Miss Misses Me." Some of the theatre singers may have actually thrown in a yodel or two.
Toys in a toy store come to life at night, and perform in a toy parade before the Doll Princess, all of which leads to the "Screen Song" sing-a-long, "Oh, You Beautiful Doll".
An animated short chronicling the adventures of Colonel Stoopnagle and Budd.
The Westerners sing the title song with Bouncing Ball. In animated sequences, a singing cowboy tells tall tales about his exploits.
An animated short about various woodland creatures milling and drinking apple cider. Includes a sing-a-long of the title song.
Singalong with spot gags about an animal fair.
A singalong with spot gags about vegetables.
An animated short about the building of the ark...by the animals. Includes a sing-a-long of "It Ain't Gonna Rain No More"
Screen Song with spot gags about newsreels (including Paramount's own newsreel division).
A humorous tour of Manhattan concludes with 3 bouncing-ball songs.
The story of dogs and cats playing each other at football. Includes sing-a-longs of various college fight songs.
"Jingle Jangle Jungle" is an animated short about life in Africa (non-PC.) Includes a sing-a-long of "Civilization (Bongo Bongo Bongo)."
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