Dressed to Kill is a black-and-white crime mystery movie set in post-war England. The story follows a convicted criminal with a cockney accent who is attempting to steal a bank note engraving plate. Along the way, there are attempts at murder, a collection of clues, and a clever plot twist. The film features a Sherlock Holmes character and a Dr. John Watson character, adding to the intrigue.
When a man with gambling debts is entrusted to take care of an orphaned girl, he must navigate a series of comedic obstacles, including a trip to Disneyland, to keep his promise and solve his financial problems.
After spending five years on a deserted island, a woman is presumed dead until she returns home to find her husband happily remarried. Chaos ensues as she tries to prove that she is still legally married to him.
An estranged wife shows up after a nearly 7 years of disappearance -- thought to be dead, to prevent her husband from marrying his new love until someone kills her.
The host of a whodunit radio show finds himself involved in his own mystery when he awakens to find a woman with a knife in her back in his bedroom.
Young Mr. Jazz is a silent comedy film that tells the story of a father who searches for his daughter after she sneaks out of the house to go to a speakeasy. Along the way, he gets into comedic misadventures and encounters a variety of colorful characters.
A young woman new to the big city gets a job as a man's companion. What she doesn't know is that the man is a notorious gangster.
The two-reel silent film comedy The Caretaker's Daughter was distributed by Pathe in 1925. Produced by the prolific Hal Roach, the film stars the great Charley Chase in a case of multiple incarnations!
An aspiring writer chases after a pair of crooks when her handbag is taken.
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