The Cuckoo is a movie set in Lapland during World War II. The story revolves around a Captain, a Finnish woman, and a Russian soldier who are all forced to coexist in a small cabin. Despite their language barriers and cultural differences, they learn to understand and rely on each other, forming a unique bond. The movie explores themes of friendship, patriotism, and the effects of war on individuals.
Where the Lilies Bloom tells the story of a backwoods family in the Appalachian Mountains who face eviction and financial hardships. The orphaned protagonist, along with her siblings, embarks on a journey to make a promise and sacrifice in order to save their family home. This coming-of-age drama explores themes of self-sacrifice, family bonds, and the power of resilience in the face of adversity.
In this drama, a New York physician takes a much-needed vacation down South. Unfortunately, he encounters a nurse working in the backwoods and ends up helping her to combat an epidemic that rages through the mountain communities. The doctor she works for prefers traditional herbs to modern medicine.
A cat is being driven mad --- a short distance --- by an aching wisdom tooth and discovers in the Remedy Book a remedy that requires only the eating of a crow. The cat captures the first crow that comes along, but the crow is smarter than the cat, and offers other remedies, none of which call for crow-eating.
This movie chronicles several pregnant women on their quest to have an abortion. Some got pregnant by accident, others were raped. Sure to offend anti-abortionists, pro-lifers, feminists and chauvinists alike. The portions of the movie that deal with European folk remedies to pregnancy are especially interesting.
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