When the Day Breaks is an animated short film that follows the events of a day in the life of various anthropomorphic animals, including a pig, a rooster, and a cat. The film explores themes of connection, loneliness, and the fragility of life. As the day unfolds, the characters interact with each other and face unexpected challenges and accidents. Through a series of vignettes, the film presents a slice of life narrative that evokes both humor and poignancy. Without any dialogue, the film relies on visual storytelling and a jazz-influenced soundtrack to convey the emotions and experiences of its characters.
Timeless: The Composer/Arranger Series (Arthur Verocai) is a documentary that explores the life and music of Arthur Verocai, a talented composer and arranger. The film delves into Verocai's journey in the music industry, his influences, and the impact of his work on the jazz and folk-jazz genres. Through interviews and performances, viewers get an intimate look into Verocai's creative process and the significance of his contributions to the music world.
Follow the musical journey of Chelsea Elder, a young folk and jazz singer, as she seeks to break into the industry and uncover how she connects with her audience through her meaningful lyrics.
A documentary about the life and music of the great Bulgarian folk-jazz clarinet player Ivo Papasov - Ibryama.
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