Heavenly Creatures is a biographical crime drama that tells the story of Pauline Parker and Juliet Hulme, two teenage girls in 1950s Christchurch, New Zealand. Their intense friendship leads to the creation of a vivid fantasy world that becomes an escape from their troubled lives. However, when their relationship is threatened, they conspire to commit a shocking and violent crime.
Tempest is a magical realist film that takes place in a remote Greek island. An architect, retired and looking for a fresh start, finds himself caught up in a magical adventure involving ancient ruins, a young girl, and the summoning of spirits. As he navigates the island's mysteries, he discovers the power of love and the importance of embracing the unknown.
Two Aliens visit the Earth in an effort to enlist converts to travel the universe with them.
Caught on tape, twin sisters for unknown reasons acting in a series of bizarre incidents on the M6 motorway and the subsequent killing of Glenn Hollinshead.
Nihilistic cousins explore the secret deadly language of a folie à deux relationship in a Brexit environment of racism and illusion.
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