In the year 2077, after a war with alien invaders known as Scavs, Tech 49 Jack Harper questions his mission and himself when he rescues a woman from a crashed spacecraft. They discover that the alien invasion was a lie and set out to destroy the alien command center. Along the way, Jack learns the truth about his own identity as a clone and makes a self-sacrifice to destroy the Tet and deactivate the drones.
In The Darkest Hour, a group of friends find themselves in Moscow when an alien invasion begins. As the city is plunged into chaos, they must rely on their wits and teamwork to survive. With the odds stacked against them, they face danger at every turn and must make difficult choices to stay alive. Will they be able to outsmart the invisible beings and save themselves?
When a plane crash survivor calls the wrong number, he unknowingly begins to uncover the lives and secrets of a group of strangers. The phone call leads to a chain of events that will change their lives forever.
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