The Phenom is a drama film that follows the story of a talented young baseball pitcher who struggles with the pressures of fame and personal demons. As he navigates his way through the challenging world of professional sports, he is forced to confront his troubled past and seek therapy to overcome his psychological issues. Along the way, he forms complex relationships with his psychologist, a reporter, and his coach, all of whom play a significant role in his journey to self-discovery and redemption.
The Wild Geese is a drama set in Meiji-era Japan, following the story of an older man who becomes involved in a romantic relationship with a younger woman. The film explores themes of disgrace, bigamy, and father-daughter relationships, while also touching on topics such as aging, poverty, and class divisions. The protagonist, a widower, finds himself caught between societal expectations and his own desires, leading to a series of complex and emotional conflicts.
The Railrodder is a comedy short film from 1965. It follows a man's adventure as he travels across Canada by train, encountering various comedic situations along the way. The film is a mix of silent comedy and slapstick, with elements of travelogue as the man explores different locations across the country. From crossing rivers and snow-capped mountains to visiting harbors and experiencing tea time, the film showcases the beauty and diversity of Canada while providing laughs through comedic moments.
Silent romantic melodrama about a wife and mother who is desperate to keep a secret from the past IN the past, despite her husband's intentions to reveal it.
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