Metropolis is a 2001 animated movie set in a futuristic city where humans and robots coexist. The story follows a young boy named Kenichi and a detective named Shunsaku as they uncover a dark conspiracy involving androids and political power. As they delve deeper into the secrets of Metropolis, they must confront issues of class oppression, artificial intelligence, and the true meaning of humanity.
During World War II, a group of Russian tank crew members struggle to survive the realities of war, including violence, death, and heroism.
An Air Force captain is assigned to find some missing top-secret microfilm.
Grab a six-pack, gather your closest friends and settle in for a night of solace and cheer-and of course, a few Drinking Games. Joseph Lawson's critically acclaimed debut film centers on six friends in Portland, Oregon, who come together following the funeral of one of their best friends. Packed with many laughs and moments of touching sincerity, the night unfolds through a series of odd visitors, unusual conversations and anything to keep their minds off the pain and remorse that haunt them.
Tornado Video Classics, Vol. 1 takes you on a thrilling journey through the world of tornadoes. Witness the destructive power of these natural disasters and the stunning beauty of their swirling winds. This documentary combines stunning slow-motion footage, time-lapse photography, and expert commentary to provide a comprehensive look at tornadoes. From storm chasers risking their lives to scientists studying these phenomena, Tornado Video Classics, Vol. 1 explores every aspect of tornadoes. Prepare to be amazed by the raw power of nature.
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