Bottom Live The Stage Show is a British comedy movie based on the TV show Bottom. The comedy duo deliver their signature slapstick humor in a single-set production. The show is filled with sexual humor, blooper moments, and flubbing of lines. The two-man show features a blow-up doll, glasses, a newspaper, and a sunflower, adding to the hilarity. As the plot unfolds, there are attempts at murder, poison, and even an electric chair. The stage becomes a chaotic scene with fights and alternative comedy. Stand-up comedy is also a prominent feature of the show.
Uncensored. Laugh along with Hollywood's brightest stars in this hilarious compilation of bloopers from some of the biggest movies in history . You'll see stars such as Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Lucille Ball, Bob Hope, Ronald Reagan, Marlene Dietrich, Boris Karloff, Edward G. Robinson, Errol Flynn and more. They're not so perfect after all when these flubbed moments are caught on film!
A recounting of the making of 'Some Like It Hot' starring Marilyn Monroe and directed by Billy Wilder - now regarded as one of the great comedies in the history of cinema. During filming, Marilyn was required to knock on a hotel room door and say the line: 'It's me. Sugar.' With Wilder; her co-stars, Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon, and her husband, Arthur Miller, looking on, Marilyn finally nails the line - e...after 47 takes.
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