Rad is a heartwarming drama about a teenage boy named Cru Jones who dreams of winning a local bicycle race called Helltrack. With the support of his friends, Cru faces numerous obstacles and sabotages from a wealthy businessman who wants to keep him from entering the race. Along the way, he must also navigate his complicated relationship with his single mother and a blossoming romance. Will Cru overcome the odds and claim victory in the race, as well as the heart of his love interest?
Inferior Decorator is a hilarious short animation film from 1948. The story follows a bumbling decorator who wreaks havoc while attempting to beautify a cottage. As he struggles with glue, wallpaper, and a swarm of bees, chaos ensues. With exposed rear ends, stings, and dizziness, this cartoon is sure to leave you in stitches.
An elderly wanderer, a sexy young girl running away from home and a folk singer looking for stardom hitch-hike their way cross-country, trying to get to California.
A dumb mutt falls in love with the metal statue of a greyhound.
Bill and Ginny are invited by a naturalist friend to take care of his home in Africa while he is away, and they find themselves adopted by three orphan elephants.
The Dream is a short experimental dance film exploring the world of dreams. The 'sleeping' woman is representative of humanity's oblivious state of spiritual ignorance of what is truly real, awakening the spirit where Magic dwells.
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