In Home Alone 4, a mischievous child named Kevin uses his wit and creativity to protect his home from a couple of bumbling burglars who try to break in during Christmas. With a remote-controlled house and various booby traps, Kevin unleashes hilariously chaotic situations that test the burglars' resolve.
A couple decides to explore a haunted house located deep underwater in a remote location. As they dive into the house, they uncover a series of mysterious events and encounter supernatural forces that test the limits of their relationship. They face drowning, satanic rituals, and haunting experiences as they try to escape the terrifying underwater abode.
Cheryl, a black woman living in England, faces discrimination and financial difficulties. Years later, Neve, a fair-skinned black woman married to a non-black man, hides her true self. Two strangers, who turn out to be Neve's children, disrupt her life. The children befriend Neve's own kids and cause chaos, leading to Neve abandoning her second set of children.
Popeye's snoring is keeping his resident mouse awake. The mouse fights back.
While his wife is away, the husband attempts to clean the house which ends up being a disaster. The house is completely destroyed by an overflowing bathtub, fire in the kitchen, feathers from the pillows everywhere, and a dog decides to chase a cat around the house wiping out what the water and fire didn't damage already.
It's raining heavily, but at first the young husband and wife are not concerned about it. But the husband gets soaked on the way home from work, and then finds that the butler has left all of his suits hanging outside in the rain. Next, when some friends come to visit, they find that their troubles with water are just beginning.
A Bobby Dunn comedy short for Arrow Film Corporation.
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