Forbidden Zone is a surreal and absurd comedy featuring a dysfunctional family who discovers a portal to another dimension in their basement. They encounter bizarre characters, including the devil, a king, a concubine, and a floating head. The movie is filled with shocking and provocative humor, combining live-action and cutout animation.
The film follows the eccentric and larger-than-life Baron Munchausen as he embarks on a globetrotting adventure, battling monsters, encountering surreal situations, and telling fantastical stories. With the Ottoman Empire and European mythologies as the backdrop, the Baron's journey takes him to the moon, where he faces off against a goddess and a Turkish army. The movie is a dark comedy filled with steampunk elements, satire, and surrealism.
In 'Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life', a mischievous middle school student named Rafe Khatchadorian challenges the rules of his oppressive school with the help of his best friend Leo. Together, they come up with a plan to break every single rule in the school's code of conduct and bring creativity and fun back into their lives.
Betty Boop and friends meet Louis Armstrong on a jungle safari.
Men expose a fake medium's tricks and take revenge.
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