FLIP THE FROG, who is basically a walking, talking, white glove, bow- tie & short-pants wearing little black frog. In this outing, Flip is introduced to us as he is reading up on how to become a movie director, which essentially comes down to dressing up like Charlie Chaplin!
Flip the Frog finds himself in a house haunted by crazy skeletons.
Flip, the owner of a dairy farm, wakes up one morning and goes to milk his cow. He has problems with a pesky fly who is eventually swatted by the cow's tail. Flip then takes the milk into town to deliver it. While in town, he encounters a bratty little kid who just won't leave him alone. Eventually Flip and the kid make up and become friends.
First, a bum comes along and steals their hat and replaces it with his flea-bitten one. Later, they are tormented at a diner when a hamburger comes to life! Later, after selling their instruments so they can get something to eat, they see a blind man begging on the street.
A mouse mother refuses to accept another baby mouse as her kid. The stork decides it's best to place it on Flip's doorstep. Is he man enough to handle the little brat?
Flip schemes to get himself hired as an office boy at the Screwy Nuts & Bolts factory, especially because of the attractive typist. He starts well, using a cat's tongue to lick a stack of envelopes.
Flip is a jail warden who has to deal with an escaped convict. Working with his horse, who seems almost as intelligent as he is, it has some amazing moments. Look in the background for two goats playing horseshoes, using their wooden legs as the pegs- not quite politically correct today. It even includes a scene where the convict is hiding as a store dummy, a routine lifted from Buster Keaton, and later used by the Three Stooges, although not quite as "rubbery" as Flip does it.
Flip and his pals, working at a fire station, are called out to stop a fire.
Flip the Frog is a game hunter in Africa. He has an encounter with some cannibals who take him to their king for dinner ...
Flip and a turtle train for a boxing match. They have comedic problems with their training equipment. In the match, a parrot acts as the ref.
Seagoing Flip the Frog saves a girl, abandoned on a neighboring boat, from a mighty storm at sea.
Flip pulls up at his girlfriend's house in a cricket-drawn carriage. They play the harmonica and they ride along until they are attacked by a pelican. The cricket is eaten, but Flip and his girl escape. They then go swimming in a nearby swimming hole. The pelican spots them and tries again to eat them, but is swallowed by a giant fish when he dives in the water.
Flip's piano instructor sits him down at the keys and leaves the room. In her absence, Flip plays jazzy music that brings some of the objects in the room to life. Later, Flip's friends call for him and he sneaks away from his lesson to go swimming. The piano teacher and her dog go after Flip, as does a police-officer who seeks to punish the boys for swimming on private property.
Flip the Frog works the town barbershop.
Flip is the owner of a brand new drug store, and you'd think it was the Academy Awards night. There is a spotlight, a red carpet and a list of celebrities that all show up for this momentous occasion.
"Bully" is a Bluto-type - you know: big, gruff guy with a cigar, small bowler hat, needs a shave....Here, he picks a fight with poor Flip. Before you know it, a neutral party comes along, shows the two guys a sign advertising "boxing to-night" and advises them to take it to the arena, where at least they could pick up some bucks if they're going to fight.