Krrish, a superhuman with supernatural powers, must protect his family and the world from a lethal virus unleashed by a vengeful villainess. He faces challenges like falling from great heights, impersonation, and hand-to-hand combat. With the help of his telekinesis, Krrish fights against the outbreak and the destruction it causes. In the final showdown, he must confront his own father, a mad scientist, who has turned into a supervillain. Will Krrish be able to save his pregnant wife and the world from this peril?
The story is about Katy, now grown up as a lovely butterfly, and her children, young twin caterpillars names Kiki and Koko, facing off against aliens who came to their forest searching for food which happens to be inhabitants of the forest. With the help of their friends, Katy, Kiki and Koko were able to defeat the alien X and save their forest and its inhabitants. The sequel to "Katy the Caterpillar."
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