Villains is a dark comedy thriller that follows a couple, Mickey and Jules, who find themselves in a strange and dangerous situation after their car breaks down. Seeking shelter, they break into a seemingly empty house, only to discover a hidden secret that puts their lives in jeopardy. As the night unfolds, Mickey and Jules must navigate through a series of bizarre encounters and unexpected twists to escape the clutches of a villainous couple.
Peacock (2010) is a drama/thriller movie about a man named John Skillpa who has multiple personalities. He lives a secret life as both himself and a woman named Emma, who pretends to be his wife. When a train derails near their small Nebraska town, John's secret is threatened to be exposed.
David, the king of Israel, falls in love with Bathsheba, the wife of one of his soldiers. They begin an affair which leads to tragedy and consequences for both of them.
After a terrorist attack in London, a woman's life takes a dark turn as she struggles with guilt, adultery, and revenge.
During the Spanish Civil War, a man seeks revenge against a former guerrilla leader who betrayed his father and caused his family's exile. He becomes involved with a group of anarchists and embarks on a dangerous journey to find the truth.
The life story of Scott Joplin and how he became the greatest ragtime composer of all time.
In 'Please Murder Me,' attorney Craig Carlson defends his client, Albert Richter, who has confessed to killing his wife's lover. However, as the trial progresses, Carlson begins to suspect that Richter may not be guilty. He investigates further and discovers evidence that suggests the murder was staged to look like self-defense. As Carlson unravels the truth, he must navigate a web of deceit, romantic rivalry, and manipulation to clear his client's name.
After his wife leaves him for another man, a struggling writer-producer-director agrees to spend a weekend at a ski lodge in Montreal. Things take a turn when he meets the one that got away and finds himself caught in a whirlwind of emotions and mishaps.
A mobster's moll leads a newsman, cub reporter and photographer to a scoop.
On Chef Antonia's birthday, her estranged mother pays a surprise visit to the restaurant. Struggling with feeling abandoned by her mother when her twin brother died 10 years ago, Antonia imagines her brother urging reconciliation.
JT Dalton, professor, runs the mentoring program at the local university. Shawn Wittig, spoiled heir to a playboy father, is ordered to attend the program. Professor Dalton's discipline sparks a connection between them. The professor finds herself involved in an affair with her student. The university finds out and suspends JT. Shawn's father forces his son to give up their relationship.
Vineyard owner Randy Minola becomes captivated by the worldly Edella, much to the chagrin of his girlfriend Winnie.
When Joe, a hold-up man, tries to rob Mary, a nightclub hostess, she winds winds up knocking him out. She takes pity on him, however, and nurses him back to health. He decides to go straight and marry her. Mary buys a $1000 Liberty Bond as an investment, while Joe saves up and buys a taxi to start his own business. Then Maisie, Mary's wild and money-crazy sister, shows up, which leads to tragedy.
On his way home, a young man exchanges glances with an attractive woman he sees jogging on his street. He decides on a plan to 'run into her' again on the following day with the hopes of sparking up something romantic.
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