In the year 2021, a group of soldiers stationed at a remote outpost in a dystopian desert warfare setting find themselves in a war of attrition against an alien invasion. As they struggle to hold their outpost, they face mind control, ambushes, and intense firefights. The movie incorporates elements of found footage and documentary-style filmmaking, providing a realistic and intense portrayal of the soldiers' fight for survival.
The Tillman Story is a powerful documentary that exposes the cover-up and manipulation by the government surrounding the death of NFL player Pat Tillman who joined the military and was killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan. The film follows his family's journey to uncover the truth and seek justice.
Sgt. O'Farrell, a navy officer, gets stationed on a tropical island where he must deal with a series of comedic misadventures, including a rescue-at-sea, a seduction attempt, and a bet gone wrong. Along with his fellow sailors, O'Farrell tries to navigate through these challenges while also dealing with the strict military regime.
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