One Magic Christmas follows a struggling working-class mother, Ginny Grainger, who has lost her Christmas spirit after the death of her husband. With the help of an angel and a visit to Santa's workshop, Ginny and her children learn the true meaning of Christmas and the importance of belief.
A man's dying wish is for the people in his life to participate in a 450-mile charity bicycle ride through Northern California.
Buffering is a comedy film that follows the story of a man who desperately needs money and gets caught up in a series of hilarious and outrageous situations. From recording sex on camera to fixing a bicycle, he finds himself in a variety of unpredictable and unconventional circumstances. As he navigates through these challenges, the film explores themes of sexuality, relationships, and the pursuit of financial stability.
A short film to warn children of sexual predators.
A young musician named Ansel has an unexpected encounter with Niall, an endearing, deaf dancer.
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