Heckler is a documentary comedy that explores the relationship between performers and the audience, focusing on the challenges faced by stand-up comedians when dealing with hecklers. It delves into the art of stand-up comedy, the impact of hecklers on performers, and the personal experiences and emotions of comedians. The film also delves into the world of film criticism and the impact of negative reviews on filmmakers. With interviews and footage from various comedians and experts, Heckler provides an inside look into the world of comedy and the struggles faced by performers.
Two young couples decide to run away from home and go to Athens in order to find the exciting life that they couldn't live at the country. The guys get busted for robbing a gas station while the girls start working at a night club. Daisy meets a young and handsome man named Panos. He is a motorcycle racing driver. They immediately start a destructive relationship. Panos tastes his first joint with her and soon they become heroin-addicts, willing to do anything in order to get their daily fix. The film goes on describing their downfall until the apocalyptic ending.
Bandini is the story of a female protagonist who is imprisoned for murder in a women's prison. The movie explores themes of love, redemption, and dark pasts. Set in the 1930s, it follows the life of a woman with a mysterious past and her experiences in prison.
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