Set in a post-apocalyptic future where spontaneous human combustion has become a widespread phenomenon, certain individuals known as Fire Force are tasked with extinguishing these infernal flames. The story follows Shinra Kusakabe, a young man with the ability to ignite and control fire, as he joins the Special Fire Force Company 8. Together, they investigate the cause behind the mysterious fire outbreaks and uncover a deep-rooted conspiracy that threatens to engulf the entire world.
The Legend of Korra is set in the fictional world of Avatar: The Last Airbender, 70 years after the events of the original series. It follows the journey of Korra, a strong-willed and independent young woman who is the Avatar and possesses the power to bend all four elements. Korra must navigate the complex dynamics of a changing world, face political corruption, and confront powerful enemies in order to bring balance and harmony to the world.
Magic Knight Rayearth follows three high school girls who are transported to the world of Cephiro after being summoned by the princess Emalia to become the legendary Magic Knights. They must awaken their inner powers and find the legendary weapons to defeat the forces of evil and save Cephiro from destruction. Along the way, they face numerous challenges, make new friends, and discover the true nature of their own strengths.
Against the vibrant backdrop of a 1960s-inspired, retro-futuristic world, Marvel's First Family is forced to balance their roles as heroes with the strength of their family bond, while defending Earth from a ravenous space god called Galactus and his enigmatic Herald, Silver Surfer.
Riani, a teenager who is forced to reveal her hidden powers when several mysterious cases occur and turn the city into chaos.
A volatile young man struggles to control his unnatural powers when he faces a chance encounter in an unfamiliar environment.
Filipino director Willy Milan's first entry into the Maxsploitation sub-sub-genre.
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