In This Corner of the World is a poignant and beautiful animated film that follows the life of Suzu, a young woman living in Hiroshima during World War II. As she navigates the challenges and hardships of war, Suzu finds strength in her family, love, and her passion for art.
In a remote mountain village, a group of people find themselves under attack by a horrifying creature with a single eye. As they try to survive and uncover the origin of the creature, they discover its connection to radioactivity and psychic powers.
In the midst of World War II, a young boy and his little sister struggle to survive after their mother's death, facing starvation and the horrors of war.
A documentary film about the historic Battle of Britain, showcasing the struggle and resilience of the British people against the Luftwaffe's night bombing campaign. It explores the significance of the battle and its impact on world history.
This documentary film recounts the events of August 6, 1945, when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, detailing the devastation and the aftermath of the bombing.
The second film in Shin-Ei's series of annual WWII themed anime television movies for children "Sensou Douwa".
Ayaka Nakanishi is an ordinary twelve year old girl walking Ryan, her German shepherd, when heavy rain obliges her to seek refuge inside a telephone booth. The storm causes a strange phenomenon that sends both Ayaka and her dog back in time to March 7th, 1945.
In This Corner (and Other Corners) of the World is a heartwarming and emotional anime film that tells the story of a young Japanese woman, Suzu, as she navigates the challenges and hardships of living during World War II. The film explores themes of love, family, and the resilience of the human spirit.
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