Young Adult is a dark comedy that follows Mavis Gary, a writer struggling with alcoholism and an emotional breakdown. After her marriage ends in divorce, Mavis returns to her hometown in Minnesota in the hopes of rekindling a relationship with her high school sweetheart. As Mavis navigates her way through small-town life, her narcissistic and selfish behavior alienates those around her, leading to a series of humorous and poignant events.
Mercy is a gripping crime drama that explores the disturbing and dark secrets hidden within a seemingly ordinary town. When a series of gruesome murders rocks the community, the police become embroiled in a twisted web of deceit and betrayal. As they delve deeper into the investigation, they uncover shocking revelations of child sex abuse, incest, and sexual violence. With each discovery, the tension escalates, leading to a heart-stopping climax that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats.
Mouse in Manhattan follows the mischievous mouse Jerry as he navigates the bustling streets of Manhattan, encountering various challenges and comedic moments along the way.
Struggling to connect with her grieving family after the sudden death of her stepfather, a teenager sneaks off to shoot guns in rural Florida with her best friend.
Wolves in the Snow begins with the news that Antoine has been cuckolding Lucie for years. A violent marital argument ensues resulting in Antoine's death. After lying about Antoine's whereabouts, Lucie discovers his secret life of gangsters, money laundering and violence. Followed, threatened and badgered by the gangsters, Lucie becomes trapped by her deceit. The body of Antoine disappears, other corpses appear, and the money, very quickly, becomes only the pretext of an alarming turn of events, in which Lucie learns how to lie, to live, and perhaps also to like. Wolves in the Snow is an intense drama set against the backdrop of Montreal.
A devious fox comes to a small farm and uses flattery to trick the ducks, chickens and roosters into coming with him, supposedly to compete at the County Fair. Dinky is desperate to come along, too, but the fox rejects the little black duck for the same reason all the other farm birds shun him: he's too small. Dinky, however, discovers that the fox has tricked all the birds into his cave. The fox has them caged and plans to roast them in his oven. It's up to the once-despised Dinky to come to the rescue.
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