Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is a satirical sketch comedy TV show that parodies various aspects of modern culture. With its quirky and surreal humor, the show explores themes of awkwardness, cringe comedy, and post-modern meta commentary. The show incorporates elements of live-action and animation, along with celebrity guests and bizarre fictional TV shows. It is known for its lo-fi production style and offbeat humor.
Jam is a surreal comedy TV show that combines elements of sketch comedy, satire, and postmodernism. It explores themes of paranoia, distortion, and irreverence through a series of bizarre and nonsensical sketches and monologues. The show features ambient music and musical numbers, creating a unique and entertaining viewing experience. Based on a sketch comedy radio show, Jam takes viewers on a surreal journey that challenges traditional notions of television entertainment.
Life in Loops (A Megacities RMX) is a documentary film released in 2006 that explores the remix culture in megacities. The film delves into the various aspects of remixing in urban environments, examining how different forms of art and culture collide and influence each other in these bustling cities.
Terror Nullius is a remix collage film that takes snippets of Australian film and television history to create a political and cultural critique. It explores themes of colonialism, politics, and nostalgia, while also incorporating elements of mythology and eco-horror.
In the early years of cinema, editors were usually women. This short documentary looks at how they wielded power, and how their work was made invisible.
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