Mammoth is a drama/romance movie set in Thailand that follows the story of a businessman and his family. The movie explores themes of unfaithfulness, social commentary, and the complexities of relationships. It delves into the lives of a mother, a father, and their 7-year-old daughter, as well as a filipino-maid and a prostitute. The plot touches on topics such as child-prostitution, interracial-sex, and marital-infidelity. Mammoth offers a thought-provoking exploration of the human condition and the consequences of our actions.
Yellow Rose tells the story of a talented young Filipino girl named Rose who dreams of becoming a country music singer in Austin, Texas. However, her dreams are put to the test when her mother is arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement and she is forced to go on the run. Rose must navigate the complexities of the immigration system while pursuing her passion for music and finding her place in a new country.
Disappointed by his failed dreams, Loh Poh Huat visits his frustrations on his family. So when he wins the lottery, everyone believes the money will deliver them from their struggles. However, Loh dies abruptly and his elaborate and surreal Taoist funeral pitches the family into a battle where the stakes are the very meaning of life itself. Singapore Dreaming is a poignant yet darkly humorous story which follows the lives of six individuals as they navigate the rapidly changing conditions experienced in today’s modern South-East Asian cities.
The coming of age of a young student, through a series of events and erotic-emotional regressions, the same time that his mother is pregnant, without a father, while his boss falls in 'old age. "
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