In The Blue Max, a young German soldier named Bruno Stachel joins a pilot school during World War I. Despite facing opposition from his fellow pilots and superiors, Stachel becomes a skilled fighter pilot and sets out to achieve glory in the dangerous world of aerial combat. Along the way, he must navigate the complexities of war, chivalry, ambition, and the rigid military hierarchy. The film explores themes of classism, rivalry, and the impact of total war on individuals. With thrilling dogfights and stunning aerial sequences, The Blue Max captures the excitement, danger, and tragedy of World War I aviation.
Operation Valkyrie is a gripping biography drama that tells the true story of the failed assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler by Claus von Stauffenberg and his fellow conspirators. Set during World War II, the film follows the group's plot to kill Hitler and overthrow the Nazi regime. As the plan unfolds, they face numerous challenges and obstacles, leading to a thrilling climax.
Joy Division is a powerful film that takes place during World War II and explores the dark realities of political repression, war crimes, and the inhumane acts committed by both sides. Set in London, England, the film follows a soldier who becomes entangled in a dangerous mission of murder and espionage as he navigates through the complexities of the KGB, the German Army, and the Soviet Union. With intense scenes depicting gang rape, totalitarinaism, and the brutality of war, Joy Division exposes the depths of human despair and the consequences of unchecked political power.
World War II film set in German occupied Italy. A US fighter pilot is shot down in enemy territory during a raid against a German supply depot. He receives from Italian partisans in laying the groundwork for a new attack by his squadron.
This film was developed to show US Lockheed P-38 production line workers the Lightning in a wide variety of roles. The dramatic framing for the piece involves a straggling B-24 that is saved from certain destruction by the arrival of "Angels in Overalls" -- P-38s. You'll see all aspects of Lightnings in action. There's a cameo by Air Corps P-38 ace of aces Dick Bong too.
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