Semi-Tough is a satirical comedy that follows the lives of three football players as they navigate love triangles, self-help groups, and the eccentricities of the football world. The story takes a humorous look at the relationships and challenges faced by these players, providing an entertaining and witty portrayal of the sports industry.
In Number One (1969), a middle-aged football star for the New Orleans Saints confronts the challenges of a troubled marriage and contemplates retirement. Amidst extramarital affairs, locker room tensions, and intense football games, he navigates a mid-life crisis filled with uncertainty and conflicting emotions.
When a down-and-out garbage collector accidentally becomes the kicker for the Philadelphia Eagles, he goes from collecting trash to scoring game-winning field goals. With the help of a young photography student, he overcomes obstacles and becomes a hero, proving that anyone can achieve greatness.
After their brother is murdered by a racist biker gang, a group of Vietnam War veterans sets out on a mission of revenge. With their motorcycles as weapons, they confront the gang members one by one, seeking justice for their fallen comrade.
Coach George Copper's college football team is losing game after game, much to the dismay of stiff-and-stuffy but influential alumni Roger Jessup, and also having trouble at home with his oldest daughter, Connie. The team keeps losing and Coach Cooper is about to lose his job as his efforts to win the last game of the season, against the team's Big Rival, end in disaster. But, unknown to he and his wife, Elizabeth, Connie has sold an article, called "I Was a Bubble Dancer" to a 'True-Confession" magazine, and the girl-who-couldn't-get-a-date becomes suddenly popular and, because of her, the high-school football star from another town decides to play his college-ball for Coach Cooper. Jessup is forced to keep Cooper on as the school's football coach.
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